There are so many people and homes that are a part of this mission. I feel like it will take 2 months just to learn everyone's name and where they live and how they are involved with this mission. The sisters are Sister Minerva, the superior of the order, Sister Clarissa, Sister Aileen, Sister Ethel , and Sister Michele who is a novice in the order of the Oikos Sisters.
No problem, right? Except that there are more people around here too. The orphaned children or those whose parents are too sick to care for them live with the sisters in their residences, Providence Home, Hindong Home and Nazareth Home. Then the children of the poor who care cared for by Oikos are also around wherever we go. Not only that, but the mothers of these poor children are here also to help care for the kids, to clean and cook as well. Then the sisters have foster parents who allowed the sisters and children to live with them when they were just starting out. They also have co-workers who are graduates of the education program giving one or two years to help Oikos and married and single Catholics who help work with the sisters. There is an entire network of people here who aid in the care and upraising of the children.
But it doesn't stop there... part of the Oikos charism is to help all in need. So, for example, when the sisters heard of the typhoon that destroyed the southern part of their island a few years ago, they didn't hesitate to cook a lot of food and take it down there, along with supplies and workers to help fix their boats and equipment. Now, the sisters have friends for life there and never need to worry about food or lodging when traveling south and frequently fresh fish and crab are sent here from their friends in the south. And that is only one example of the larger network of Oikos friends reaching out across the Philippines. The beautiful thing is that nothing is ever done here to see what can be gained from giving. The sisters give without thought to cost or time. When they see a need, they get involved. When they get involved, their work is appreciated and to the best of the receiver's ability, the debt is repaid ten fold with whatever means they have. It is such an organic and beautiful way to live. And it makes sense!!! There is so much gratitude for all the work Oikos does for the community here, and you would be surprised to see all the things these 5 little nuns can do, that people are happy to help whenever they can.
That doesn't mean there are no problems here or that the children are always angels. This is life on earth, meaning it's definitely not paradise. Living in a third world country and the promise to live a simple life after the example of St.Francis means the modern conveniences so readily available in the US are just not available or useable by the sisters. They know and trust that God will provide for all of their needs and will aid them in the raising of these beautiful children. Challenges arise and problems pop up, but for these Oikos sisters, faith in God trumps any evil or adversity that comes their way.
I am sure that in the days and weeks to come, I will experience some of these hardships myself. The real challenge for me will be to follow the example of the sisters and place my trust in God and know without a single doubt that He is my rock and my shield... that He is my strength and my protection. I can see with my own eyes how God cares for the vegetation and wildlife in Borongan... it is beautiful!! How much more will He help and care for me... for you? xxoo