Sunday, December 20, 2015

Singba Gabi

This past week we had a few typhoon scares and prepared the homes and ourselves for the worst.  Fortunately, the worst did not happen here, but typhoons have been hitting other places in the Philippines north and south of us.  In one area north of us, 200 homes were taken away from the storm surge.  Because of the connected power sources, we had several days without power and a few more without the internet.  I'm sorry to fall so behind on my blog!!

We are doing several things to prepare for Christmas.  As each day gets closer and no typhoon comes to Borongan, the excitement over the day is growing by leaps and bounds!!  One thing done throughout the entire Philippines is a tradition called Singba Gabi. 

Singba Gabi is a novena and mass said for the 9 days before Christmas.  In most places in the Philippines, including Borongan, the novena is celebrated at dawn, 4am.  !!  There really is something about Filipinos and dawn, I think.  So many things go on at dawn here.  It doesn't seem natural!!  So, on December 16th at 3:00 am, I heard the sound of fire crackers booming outside, followed by Christmas carols.  It was coming from the church!!  I live pretty close to the church, but not right next door and I heard the music very clearly.  About 10 of us got up for the mass and were at the church by 3:30am.  Already, almost every seat was taken and we were lucky to find seats for ourselves.  By the time mass started, there were about 100 people standing.  It is a very big church with many. many pews.  I couldn't believe the number of people who attended!!

The novena and mass were in Waray waray, but still beautiful.  After the final blessing of the mass, a group of carolers stood up front and sang Christmas songs.  This was the first time I think I ever went into mass when it was dark outside, and when I left, it was still dark!!  Hot coffee was being served outside and there was singing and Christmas greetings all over the place.  I think it was 5:30 by the time we got home.

For day 2, it went quite the same, except there was a new decoration in the church.  It was statues of Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem.  In fact, every day there is a new decoration... it is nice to go into church in the morning and see what is new that day.  The minor seminarians did the carols on this day.  They all had a guitar and one had a violin.  They played Christmas music and the parishioners sang.  There are about 15 minor seminarians.  It was really good!!

On day 3, Friday, some of us went to Tacloban, but we stopped in a small town on the way there for our Singba Gabi mass.  We left Borongan around 2am, so we had been on the road for a while before mass.  Despite the fact that MacArthur is a smaller town than Borongan, the mass was packed again with standing room only, and many, many people standing.  At this mass, a group of teachers did the caroling after the final blessing.  They even danced!  It was sweet.

On Saturday and Sunday, the church was just as packed with people at 4am as the other days.  And on Monday, the Oikos scholars did the caroling after the final blessing.  I know I am biased, but so far, they have been the best!!  They sang Oh Come All Ye Faithful, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, We are the Reason and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.  It really was beautiful!!

We have 3 more days to go.  There is a custom here that if you attend all of the masses of Singba Gabi, you can make a wish and it will come true.  I have heard a few stories of wishes that have come true.  I made one, but I think the birthday rule stands here... if I tell you it might not come true. 

Since the day I got here and people found out I would be here for Christmas, young and old alike were happily telling me about Singba Gabi and how I would love it.  There is so much excitement and energy here about a novena mass... how awesome is that??  It is a beautiful way to prepare for the coming of the Christ Child and to prepare ourselves for His coming into our hearts. 

On the first day of Singba Gabi, the priest started his homily with a joke.  He said, one day God and Satan were talking.  Satan was gloating to God saying that he has more people following him than God.  So God said, prove it.  So they went to a grocery store and there were people stealing things and others were pushing each other to get what they wanted and Satan said, "See, those are mine."  Next they went to a football game and there were people drinking, shouting and carousing.  Satan said, "See, those are mine."  So, then they went to the Philippines to a Singba Gabi mass that was so full that people were standing outside of the church for mass and God said, "See, those are mine," but Satan pointed to people who were sleeping and said, "but those are mine!!"

I haven't fallen a sleep yet during mass, but my eyes have sometime been very heavy, wanting to close and sometimes I sway when I stand... but I'm happy to say that I am still God's!!

It's almost Christmas from the Oikos Scholars!!!  xxoo