And so it is with me!! In my first trip, the Sisters made use of my talent and education in the field of education. I taught weekly catechesis to the elementary and high school students, among other things. In this mission, my cooking skills are being highlighted, and in a way that is so cool!!!
One of the goals of the Oikos Mission is to help poor people in finding livelihoods that can help bring them out of poverty and take care of their families. They have a fruit and vegetable growing program and a piglet recycling and fattening program to teach people and give them a way to provide for their families. The thing that I absolutely love about the Oikos livelihood programs is that the Sisters help the people, they will even give them supplies needed to start their new livelihood and offer rewards as incentives to keep the people motivated through the length of their program...but, the people themselves do the lion's share of the work. They sign an contract or covenant agreeing to do the work needed to receive help from the Sisters, and there is a penalty if the people drop out. Nothing huge, but the people know, going in, that they have to work, and work hard, to be successful in the Oikos Livelihood Programs, and continuing on after the program is over.
The Sisters are trying very hard to help the mothers around Borongan to rise up above their poverty and reach for more for their families. They have tried to start a few programs to help the mothers, but so far, none has really taken off. Well, when I returned to the Oikos Mission in October, the Sisters began talking about a cooking/baking livelihood program for the mothers. It has taken a bit of time to get rolling...but we are rolling!!! Of the 10 mothers the Sisters have invited to take part in this pilot program, all 10 are interested in it!! Working out the schedules of everyone and the talents of all will take a bit of time, but here's the gist of it:
In Borongan, many mothers make and sell a lot of food on the street. Most of it is deep fried...delicious, but not too healthy! Not many people here have ovens, so baking is not really done at all except in the bakeries. Well...that's our tactic! We bake! We have two large toaster ovens that we use. Mary Jane Trinkus endearingly calls this group "The Baking Mamas". So far we have made tons of empanadas!! We've made sweet ones and savory...and every single time we make them, they sell out!!! People want more!!! Yeahea!!! The idea is to branch out into other baked goods as well, but to be known for one or two particular baked goods that people can order. Most of the mothers are unfamiliar with baking, so I am the teacher, organizer and treasurer of the group. But the goal is to teach them, build up their confidence in baking, perhaps get a stand or storefront (!) and hand it over to them to do! It is a new project so there have been a few bumps, and there will probably be more, but, let me tell you how awesome it is to see the huge smiles on the mothers faces as they come back from selling, having sold out and been told how "marasa" (delicious) the food is and that they want MORE!!! Even now, I can see the confidence growing in the mothers I have been working with, and their excitement is palpable. And can I also just say that there is an incredible, undeniable feeling of unbelievable joy in having had a part in putting that smile on that face. That smile that says I did it, I can help my family, I am so enjoying this.
You know, God is so good, and He is so wise! When I left teaching and got into catering and restaurant working, I began saying that one day I want to combine teaching and cooking in some way. Never in my wildest imaginings did I think for a minute that I would leave everything and everyone I know and love to combine the two in the missions, almost exactly half way around the world from my loved ones!! But God placed that desire in my heart and He knew where He was leading me. Not to be the one in the front accepting the thanks and recognition, but to be the support and a guide to others to succeed. I never knew it could be, but it is so much better!!
Here are some pictures of the Baking Mamas making empanadas:

And here are our ovens!!

Please pray for the success of the Baking Mamas!! Who knows where it could lead if this pilot program really takes off!! To God be the Glory!!!!! Thank you!! xxoo
If you want to learn more about all of the programs the Oikos Sisters have to help the poor here in the Philippines, check out the website,